Υπνηλία στη σχολική τάξη: αντικαθιστούμε συμβατικά θρανία με θρανία-στρώματα - Bonus το ενσωματωμένο μαξιλάρι!

Sleepiness in the school classroom: we replace conventional desks with desk-mattresses - Bonus the built-in pillow!

How beautiful! School has started! Play, joy… Right? NOT!!!
These sure are pretty cool, we all agree on that! But, after all, who hasn't felt the absolutely cruel feeling of the barbaric morning awakening! Even going to bed early at night, getting up early in the morning to... go with the tsimbala in the eye and have first class "Physics", or "Language", is tough! How many times have we literally woken up at the last minute, with parents on edge and... the house reminding us of "VIETNAM!" And then you go to school in the morning after suffering and say the first hour passes, a little break, a little company, the eye opens. The machines are taking "ahead"! Especially on the days he plays for 7 hours... that last hour is literally like you've taken a hypnotic. The eyelids are heavy, the eye is closed for good, you have taken a back seat to be as hidden as possible and every time you close your eyes, let the whole world disappear from your eyes!

What can you guys do with sleepiness at school??

First of all, let's get a fact: waking up in the morning is barbaric no matter what! But because school is school and... the crazy sleep experts of Orion Strom, the ones hidden in the most mysterious scientific laboratories 10 meters underground, created and present the most super duper and wow desk beds on the market! Oh, YES! It's true! Our unique desk-beds BREAK THEM by having:
  • Folding base that opens and becomes a bed
  • Built-in layer that appears at the touch of a button
  • Program with lullabies and a USB port to put in your headphones and have sweet dreams
  • Alarm clock to be ready for everything
If you buy the upgraded version, in fact, you also have a bonus of the pillow that folds to fit in your case! So perfect? WELL!

And what do parents & teachers say about all this?

We don't want the kids to be asleep! But they should sleep well to... stay awake, with good performance and above all mood! That's why all of the above will remain in an experimental stage for a little while longer! For now, we recommend more traditional techniques for a good and quality sleep at night, which will give every student energy for the next day at school! And if you don't know where to start, do it by choosing the right mattress !
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