"Από εδώ και πέρα θα κοιμάμαι νωρίς..." Μια υπόσχεση που έδωσαν πολλοί, αλλά δεν τήρησε κανένας! Εμείς θα σας πείσουμε πώς!

"From now on I will sleep early..." A promise that many made, but no one kept! We will convince you how!

The new year usually starts with new and grandiose resolutions, with new ambitious goals for the next 365 days. Maybe you want to lose a few pounds, start a new hobby, get a degree, get a pet, change your life! Well, all of these are more likely than changing sleeping habits. Thus, to the statement "From now on I will go to bed early," we could simply ask the rhetorical question, "Who am I kidding?" and let the discussion end there. But because hope always dies last, and because we know a thing or two more as sleep experts, today we'll attempt to explore the promise of better sleep in 2023. Why do we (want to) sleep late? There is no single reason. Overexertion during the day and social obligations late at night - even if they only happen on the weekend - are among the main causes and are enough to disrupt the schedule - which schedule? - of sleep. One of the biggest mistakes in the hours we dedicate to our rest is that we easily violate it during our vacations and days off. Thus, our body and mind, shocked by the sudden change, usually do not have time to adapt to everyday life. In addition, we do not follow a ritual of preparation before lying in our bed. Our body responds better to habits than to sudden changes. Even on the most tiring days the body needs a short period of transition from the state of alertness to that of rest. Finally, a more deeply personal reason can be the nostalgia of our first carefree youth. As students and with no pressing obligations but endless mood and energy, many of us used to sleep in the "small hours", enjoying in between wild moments with our friends in nightclubs, endless conversations with our friends in a lounge or the quiet of the night alone at home- often at sunrise. With the end of this most carefree period in our adult lives, the energy gradually decreased while the responsibilities increased. And if sometimes, even out of necessity, we sleep later, we remember the good old days and despite our sore eyelids, we chuckle thinking that tonight we slept "as late as in university". Those of you currently reading this article are still students, just be patient and you too will grow. Whatever the reason you don't sleep before daybreak, there are solutions and ways to change habits and improve the quality of your sleep. We recommend the following: Get fit! If one of your goals this year is to start a gym or a sport, then we encourage you to try it. Regular exercise a few hours before bed helps regulate energy levels and therefore the hours our body will rest. Even vigorous walking, especially on a sunny day with plenty of vitamin D, helps the sleep-wake cycle to function properly. Avoid exercising too late at night, as the increase in blood circulation causes overexertion and can lead to more insomnia. Wellness! Spend time with yourself before you go to bed. Some people like reading. Some find it relaxing to wash the dishes or tidy their room, while others want to listen to a true crime podcast while drinking a relaxing brew. Whatever your favorite way to relax, save it for the end of the day. Lower the lights and intensities within your space. You'll be asleep before you know it. Gradual adjustment Don't overdo it! Set realistic goals. Do not expect that from one day to another, or rather from one day to the same night, you will change your sleeping time. A realistic scenario is to try to go to bed just half an hour earlier than the night before - a decision that most likely won't disrupt your daily routine and won't be particularly difficult for you. Gradually, over a period of 2 to 3 weeks, you can adjust your sleep schedule to the desired point. But you don't need to rush or exaggerate. Besides, unless you work in a bakery, you won't have any reason to lie down after 9pm. All of the above tips are guaranteed success with anatomical mattresses and other innovative sleep products from Orion Strom . Visit our online store and give yourself a precious gift, sweet and restful dreams.
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