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What characteristics should a mattress have for professional use?

Mattresses intended for professional use, especially for hotels, lodgings and places of temporary accommodation , are subject to special rules. They must be suitable for different body types and sleeping habits, while at the same time they must withstand time, offering security for the business investment . In other words, to combine a quality result of use, long-term durability and daily practicality for their maintenance. That's why Orion Strom 's #sleepexperts suggest the top features that every mattress that is going to be used for professional use should have:

Perimeter support

This feature gives the mattress the durability it needs, perhaps more than any other technology in its construction. The reinforced perimeter holds the construction materials of the mattress in their original position, so it keeps its shape unchanged for longer, regardless of the weight it receives and the sleeping position. In this way, its users can even sleep on the edge of the bed without feeling like they are slipping off it.

With high pocket technology

Imagine that the mattress has a frame around which all the other materials are placed. This frame is the high pocket construction. It is an elastic splint that allows the mattress to bend and return to its original position quietly, controllably and repeatedly. Much more durable than classic springs and completely silent compared to traditional springs, this technology is ideal for hotel mattresses, where durability and discretion are key to business success.

Ventilated design

Hotel mattresses must be ventilated, because the circulation of air inside them prevents the entrapment and growth of germs and microorganisms. As a result, they stay clean and safe for much longer than usual, saving businesses time and money on cleaning and even changing them. The ventilation technology belongs to the standard equipment of most of our mattresses thanks to their high specifications and well-thought-out composition.

Hypoallergenic properties

A factor influencing the choice of a mattress for a professional hospitality space is the safety guaranteed by the materials against harmful microorganisms. Whether it is a holiday accommodation by the sea or a hotel unit in the city, hotel mattresses with hypoallergenic materials offer maximum protection both against the elements of nature and against dust and other harmful micro-organisms of the urban space. Using natural and technologically innovative materials to manufacture our products, we have a wide range of hypoallergenic mattresses, ideal for hotels and other short-term rental accommodation. Your customers will thank you!

Pillowtop - Double sided

Many of today's mattresses are manufactured for single-sided use - a practice implemented to reduce manufacturing costs. However, there are still double-sided mattresses on the market for the service of individuals and mainly professionals. This particular type of product is particularly useful for hospitality professionals, as by turning an older mattress inside out, the feeling of comfort and durability is improved, while the time of use is extended. For us, hotel mattresses must offer, for as much as is scientifically possible, the inestimable sense of comfort and luxury to whoever lies in them.

Moderate hardness

The best choice for hospitality professionals are mattresses of medium hardness. They represent a middle ground that covers a wide range of preferences and needs during sleep. Most people feel comfortable in a mattress that is soft enough that it doesn't swallow us when we sink into it, and firm enough that it's not as hard as the floor.
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