When Is It Time to Replace Your Mattress?

Since ancient times, various cultures have recognized the importance of good sleep for human health and well-being. What for people of earlier centuries was empirical knowledge, today is repeatedly confirmed by scientific research.

Unfortunately, however, a significant percentage of our contemporaries, especially in Western countries, do not always achieve “good sleep.” Research has shown that 15% to 35% of adults face sleep problems, affecting either sleep quality or quantity. The result is people feeling tired and in a bad mood during the day, impacting their health, psychology, and productivity.

There can be many and varied reasons for not sleeping well. One primary reason might be the quality or age of the mattress. As important as it is to make a right choice when buying a mattress, on which you spend about 1/3 of your day, it is equally important to recognize when your mattress no longer meets your needs and needs to be replaced.

When should a mattress be replaced?

If you start wondering whether it’s time to buy a new mattress and replace the old one, then, most likely, the answer to your question is yes.

If you wake up feeling rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated, then your mattress probably should remain in its place, regardless of its age. On the contrary, if you wake up tired and stiff, and there are no other apparent reasons for this, then you should definitely see if you need a new mattress.

There are no clear rules about how often one should change their mattress. However, there are certain elements to consider.

Age of the mattress

Research shows that the “lifespan” of each mattress matters. This lifespan is not the same for every mattress, as each is made from different materials of different quality and durability. Generally, an anatomical mattress should be replaced every 7 – 10 years, while an orthopedic mattress can be used for up to 12 years without problems.

Appearance of lumps and asymmetries in the mattress

It’s common for mattresses used for many years to develop lumps on their surface. Also, a mattress may show other kinds of asymmetries (one side being lower, higher, softer, harder, smoother than the other). The result is uncomfortable sleep, stiffness, muscle pain, and other health problems, thus requiring the mattress to be replaced.

Change in body weight

A mattress perfect at the time of purchase can become unsuitable if you have gained or lost significant weight. In this case, the mattress should be replaced immediately, regardless of its age or condition.

Waking up with pains

A mattress should provide proper support for a restful sleep. If, however, you wake up with back and neck pains, you should consider the possibility of underlying orthopedic problems. In this case, buying a suitable orthopedic mattress should not be postponed.

Experiencing allergies

If you frequently wake up with a stuffy nose and teary eyes, without an apparent reason, then dust mites, dust, and other microbes are likely thriving in your mattress.

A good cleaning of the mattress will certainly improve the situation. However, over time, the accumulation of dust and moisture in the mattress is such that improvement will only be temporary.

Your mattress makes noises

A proper mattress should be sturdy and quiet. If you lie down or toss and turn on the mattress, and hear creaks or other noises, it is probably a sign that the mattress is not suitable for the restful sleep you desire.

Whatever the reason you want to replace your old mattress, in the Orion Strom mattress collection, you will surely find the ideal one for you.

Our company’s sleep experts help you choose the one that will give you a truly peaceful and restful sleep.